Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Three simple ways to end conflict in Libya, Gaddafi walk away, Nato when #1 is complete walk away, , Libyans take your country back

Three simple ways to end conflict in Libya

1.. Gaddafi walk away its over,  You have done some really good things in Libya, gotta start off giving you credit for that. You built some brillaint water ways, you have brought many peoples together in a melting pot with some really nice ideas.. but end of day you have gotten the whole world involved in something that they really have no business being in, but now with Twitter and Facebook, we are all involved, we all have our opinions, and in the next 10 years, once you allow this to end, the whole world will want to visit all the heros who have made the world proud to get to know a people, that until now, until social media, for some reason we never got to meet, know how wonderful they are. There is no closing this door, and though you are proud, and admittedly you have many reasons to be..... Its over, find a way out, life will go on, but after watching the peoples of Sabha, it is pretty obvious they are only behind you because they are scared of you, not a great relationship any way you look at it..

2. Nato when #1 is complete walk away - Yes pretty obvious that there were not alot of choices at the beginning of the revolution, that there was no way there was going to be a peaceful speaking of the mind that had gone on in Tunisia and Egypt. Gadaffi had pretty much decided to tell his people that under no circumstances would they be allowed to speak their mind, and treating them not much different than an overly agressive parent to their kids, beat them down. Worse than that, if you disagree i will kill you, pretty embaressing, and or famning especially having the whol world watching second by second via twitter and facebook. Forget the world news agency, most of these words came from your own peoples.. so Nato, you got drug into this to stop a masacre and once #1 above in so completed you should walk away to

3. All Libyans take your country back - Libyans, dont listen to the rest of the world,  and yes we will all have opinions but ya, right, whatever, thank us for our opinion, and go do what you want. This is your country, we are just observers wishing you the best,  and yes we all have our own definaitions of what a good life might be, and yea we might try to explain or help, maybe even too much, but, end of the day this is your world you are fighting for, when the world turns away.. Enjoy you have earned it.... and soon you will have your wish, a new country in which you will get to decide what you become

Note:  Trolls who have nothing good to say, you know who you are, those who beleive in all the consiracy theories, think you can define anf group the whole world in pre concieved groups, inwhich you are a self appointed expert and know each and every group, what they are thinking and why they are saying and doing everything....... get a life
