Wednesday, September 21, 2011

#NTC lays out timeline to form new Libya government

Nicholas Blake
 lays out timeline to form new government 
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Despite not yet having complete control over the entire country, Libya's National Transitional Council is already looking to the future and the logistics of setting up a new government.
Elamin Belhaj, a senior member of the NTC, told CNN the formation of a Libyan government will not be announced until anti-Gadhafi forces control the borders of the country and liberate three cities that still remain under loyalist control -- Bani Walid, Sirte and Sabha -- a task that could take up to one month, he said.
"We are not a fully established country," he said of the fact that Libya has not been completely liberated.
The NTC, he said, will expand as cities are liberated in order to give representation to all regions of the country. Ultimately the council could have approximately 80 members; it currently has 43.