Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Loved the sparring #cnndebate “I’m speaking! I speaking! I speaking!” Romney cried at one point.

Anjeanette Damon
National media loved the sparring, scant attention to NV issues in the 

National media focuses on Las Vegas debate acrimony

Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2011 | 5:39 a.m.
So far, most of the national coverage of the GOP presidential contest has focused on the traditional primary powerhouse states like Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. And it seems even the nationally-televised debate failed to divert that spotlight—even for a moment—to the singular issues facing Nevada, such as the foreclosure and unemployment crises.
Instead, it was the acrimonious bickering among the candidates that drew the most attention in the initial coverage by the national media.
Not that they can be blamed for focusing on the political theater of Mitt Romney and Rick Perry squabbling over one-liner attacks on immigration and battling for the upperhand. (“I’m speaking! I speaking! I speaking!” Romney cried at one point.)
Here’s a quick round up of some of the Nevada coverage from national outlets: