Thursday, October 13, 2011

#Sirte Gaddafi loyalists cornered, FFs withdraw 2k from city cenre, G commanders taken to Benghazi for questioning

News in Libya
Sirte Gaddafi loyalists cornered - NTC commander: Fighters from ’s new administration have withdrawn two... 
Fighters from Libya’s new administration have withdrawn two kilometres from the centre of Sirte, the hometown of the deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi.
Commanders said they had cornered the last remnants of Gaddafi loyalists in two areas of the city which they now plan to bombard with heavy artillery.
Much of the city, one of Gaddafi’s last strongholds in Libya, is in ruins after a month of heavy fighting.
A colonel for the National Transitional Council forces has said one of Gaddafi’s sons, Mo’tassim, was captured while trying to flee Sirte in a car with a family. There has been no official confirmation, but the reports were front page news.
Other commanders said he had been taken to Benghazi for questioning. Observers are watching to see if news of his arrest would spark a collapse among the loyalist fighters still holding out.