Tuesday, October 18, 2011

#Sirte Libyan Revolutionary Fighters Rescue Bangladeshi Children Trapped in #Surt

Libyan Revolutionary Fighters Rescue Bangladeshi Children Trapped in #Sirte   
Desperate to escape rocket and machinegun fire in war-wracked Sirte, two terrified Bangladeshi families managed to emerge from front lines, but their relief was short lived.
Their pick-up truck broke down under sniper fire.
“Allahu Akhbar (God is Greatest), Allahu Akhbar,” shouted the passengers as they held hands before they fled through the pot holed streets of the city, bullets hissed over their heads.
“Too much fighting, no water, no food, no sleep,” sputtered Mohammad Nur, his mouth dry, as he crouched near a pile of blankets and bags.
His wife held an infant in her arms next to another woman with her two children.
After the mad rush of a few minutes, the roar of fierce fighting between National Transitional Council fighters and Moamer Kadhafi loyalists started to ease.
Nur, who has been in Libya for 13 years as a construction worker, looked haggard and took
gulps of air.
The two families have been living in Sirte’s Number 2 area, at the heart of the last remaining pocket of Kadhafi loyalists.
“We were surrounded by fire, and soldiers, pro- and anti-Kadhafi,” he
NTC “fighters came to our rescue. They screamed Allahu Akhbar, so we knew it was them and we came out of the house.”