Sunday, November 20, 2011

RT @feb17libya We are proud to announce our Syrian sister site - - All news on #Syria in English . Follow @Mar15Syria #Syria #Liby

We are proud to announce our Syrian sister site -  - All news on  in English . Follow   

Visit the NEW site here


This website is dedicated to bringing you fresh news regarding the Syrian revolution around the clock and in English. This movement began in Syria on March 15th of 2011 with the call for the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to reform Syria to a free and democratic state. Assad responded with relentless force, which led to the people’s call for the fall of the regime. Assad’s harsh and brutal crackdown ultimately led the people to call for the president to step down and heed to his people’s will to relinquish his power to allow for a peaceful transition to democracy.
The Syrian people are striving for freedom, regime change, and the establishment of a democratic state. We at do not belong to a political, religious, or business group. We do not receive any financial support. We are here for the sole purpose of ensuring that the public is presented with reliable and up-to-date news and information regarding our revolution. We are the Syrian Youth, and this is our message of peace and democracy. We hope that you will join and support us in our pursuit of freedom!
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Video: Assad regime troops open fire at civilian passer-bys in Homs (11/20)

According to the man on this video, troops loyal to Bashar Al-Assad are posted up up many streets in the city, arbitrarily shooting at civilian passer-bys. This video was taken on 11/20.

For more visit the NEW site 

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