Thursday, November 10, 2011

Video RT @jonnysinc14 Please Join the #SyrianSitin on YouTube. Great way 2 show solidarity w/the Syrian people. #Syria

Sit-in on YouTube
14 Please Join the  on YouTube. Great way 2 show solidarity w/the Syrian people.  

How to support the people of #Syria with #Syriansitin on YouTube
A group of activists, some in Syria some abroad, have created SyrianSitIn. This platform is a 'virtual sit-in' on YouTube where supporters can create and send in videos of themselves sharing a message of solidarity with the Syrian people.

Just like a real world sit-in they have a specific message and goal- and won't take down the sit-in untill Bashar al-Assad is out of office. The organizers are aiming to collect videos from all around the world to show Syrians that they are not alone, that everyone is with them, and that people all over the world know what is hapening. 
We spoke to one of the platform's organizers and he explained us that the sit-in depends on two things: 1. Mass participation and 2. VIP participation. To acheive "mass participation" they've organized a model where 'Ambassadors' take responsibility for particular regions. If there is an ambassador in Germany, he'll attend all the Syrian solidarity offline events, film people, and uplaod the video himself. They (rightly) figured out that the easier they can make it for people the more video's they'll get. They have a network of ambassadors all over the world. For part 2. 'Vip participation' thats where YOU can help. Have access to a politican, celebrity, or other influencer? Tell them about the project asked them to create and promote a video. 
In addition to the YouTube channel their website features a counter that shows how many people are "sitting-in" (how many videos uploaded), and a page (linked to YouTube) that lists all of the supporters. You'll notice many of the supporters that are inside Syria are either wearing a mask or not facing the camera in order to protect their identities.

You can then sort the participants by language and other tags. They've also created a PDF that site visitors can print off as fliers and share at offline demonstrations and events that tell peole about the virtual sit-in and how to participate. New features are being added to the site all the time, such as the ability to open your web cam directly from clicking a button on their site. So check back reguarly at

So what can YOU do? 

1. Create a video! Record yourself saying :
(I am in solidarity with the Syrian people. I declare my participation in the Syrian Sit-in on Youtube)
2. Send your video to
3. Spread the word! Once your video has been added to the site promote it on Twitter, Facebook, and your own YouTube channel. 
4. Find VIP participants- do you have access to an influencer? Celebrity? Politician? Get them to create a video!

Learn more about this initiative:
Twitter: @syriansitin and #syriansitin