Wednesday, February 8, 2012

#Genetic Mixing, Not #Extinction, Led To #Neanderthals' Demise, 4% DNA in modern #populations

From the web
“Recent sequencing of ancient Neanderthal DNA indicates that Neanderthal genes make up from 1 to 4 percent of the genome of modern populations — especially those of European descent,” he added. “While they disappeared as a distinctive form of humanity, they live on in our genes.
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Stefan Savic

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Stefan Savic  -  7:10 AM  -    -  Public
The Mars Express probe detected strong evidence that there were large bodies of liquid water on ancient Mars.
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The Trieye

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The Trieye  -  7:06 AM  -  Public
It's big, it's old and it lives under the sea -- and now an international research collaboration has confirmed that an ancient seagrass holds the secrets of the oldest living organism on Earth. Ancien...
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