Friday, February 24, 2012

Video #Atlantis Ice Age Civilizations & Atlantis - Underwater Archeology

UFOTV Presents...Ice Age Civilizations & Atlantis - Underwater Archeology

Uploaded by  on Dec 23, 2010
Scientists are now discovering at the bottom of the earth's oceans evidence of ancient advanced cultures that pre-date the last ice age. Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this fascinating film about ancient advanced civilizations that existed thousands of years ago. Many new and amazing theories are now emerging about the origins of human civilization and Atlantis.

Submerged megalithic sites have now been discovered in many places around the world including the remains of what is believed to be the lost ancient advanced civilization of Atlantis. One thing is certain, what you are about to see in this amazing film can only be described as miraculous. Evidence of ancient sea fairing cultures with advanced knowledge of astronomy, global mapping and complex mathematics.

Includes spectacular underwater cinematography of ancient advanced city structures and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists and the best known, most credible Ice Age authorities in the world today.

Advanced Ice Age Civilizations & Atlantis - NOW available in a Special 3-DVD Collectors Edition and Loaded with Bonus Features, Including Over 4-Hours of Bonus Interviews and an Underwater Archeology Film Archive of Submerged Megalithic Sites - Cat# K646 - Go to

Top Comments

  • what i find hard to understand is the reluctance of the majority of the archaeological and scientific communities to revise the history of humanity. what they fail to grasp is that there is no point holding on to established dogma when there is clear evidence to the contrary. the problem is that these idiots would rather believe what is popular and accepted, rather than what recent discoveries seem to suggest. skepticism is healthy, but blindly following popular thought isnt. open minds are best
  • One day you may realise, that one reason for only supplying you with outdated and down right incorrect history, is because they actually dont want you to study, reasearch, or look for yourself.
    If you discoveredf that we were put here by aliens, or that we could communcate telepathically, or ANYTHING like that, WHERE would it leave these dictators and their "stock market" ?
    OUT OF BUSINESS, thats where !
    So they teach you rubbish, instead !
see all

All Comments (113)

  • Did anyone else notice that the people on this show were "authors' and 'researchers"? I didn't see any archaeologists or historians, or anything. The experts on this show basically read what others wrote and never did their own work.
  • @thepitnemesis just watch secrets of the sphinx revealed. And before you think you can Debunk Schoch remember he has a PH.D. in Geophysics.
  • @henriquesoeiromendes I'm not sure you are understanding what Im saying, but that is exactly my point. Rain water falls kind of vertically wouldn't you de erosian line should be vertical as well, thus my point is that the erosian on the swinx is due to flowing water....the swinx was under water at some point....say at least 10.000 BC at the end of the last iceage....way before any of the mainstream scientists indicate there was any civilization...
  • @thepitnemesis How can you be so dumb? Ever heard of flowing water? Like, horizontal flowing water?
  • about the swinx....typicial rain erosian why are the lines horizontal and not vertical????
  • @harolze So what if some of the Nazis loved it, most of the Nazis loved sex too. In your way of thinking that alone would make us all Nazis.
  • @LilBoneMusic Because "Nibiru" is the ancient Sumerian name for the planet Jupiter, despite what you may have read in the works of some popular science fiction writers.
  • mine is installing i have the game thank you to my uncle and my dad
  • @The95thRifles Run for President.