Thursday, March 22, 2012

#Etch a Sketch Sales Boom After Romney Aide Gaffe, Etch a Sketch had become Amazon's biggest “mover and shaker,”

Marc Paul Rubin's profile photo
Marc Paul Rubin  -  2:55 PM (edited)  -  Public
That statement is no longer operational - Rebooting reality at will:
Philip Thrift's profile photoPhilip Thrift originally shared this post:
Romney will probably claim this proves he knows how to boost the economy ...
By the end of the day, the Etch a Sketch had become Amazon's biggest “mover and shaker,” jumping 1200 spots in rank (it's currently the 110th-most popular toy on the site). Newt Gingrich and R...
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Iain Macadair

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Iain Macadair  -  2:36 PM (edited)  -  Public
"The shake-everything-up-and-invent-your-own-reality side of
him has an even more serious implication. He lies all the time.
Really easily. He says things that are not true with unnerving
frequency - arguably more than any modern candidate for major
office, and there are a lot of creeps among them."

"Americans deserve better in a campaign this important."...
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Zeke Miller

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Zeke Miller  -  2:33 PM  -    -  Public
Democrats Have No Fear Of Romney: Obama's campaign and its allies laugh, sneer at the likely Republican nominee. "He's jus...
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