Rebecca Besbris - 5:02 PM - Public
Not sure where the +Democratic National Committee is going with this ad? +Mitt Romney is the opposite of extreme--that's what his campaign manager is saying here. You have to be more to the fringes in the primary, then bring it back towards the center for the general. +Rick Santorum is right to carry around the Etch-a-Sketch--he can nail him all day long on being a flip-flopper. But the theme of this ad--that Romney is "unshakably extreme"? Well, that's ridiculous. Show him as a flip-flopper, sure. A panderer who will say anything to get votes. But trying to label Romney as extreme is akin to calling Taco Bell "Mexican food."
youtube.com – DNC Video: "Mitt Romney: Unshakably Extreme"
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Jeffrey Raskin - +Meg Tufano The "people" did ultimately reject the "pallin' around with terrorists" meme last time, so there is certainly hope. And there aren't very many better communicators than this President. His speech in Oklahoma this morning on energy was classic.
But, as you note, Romney will have unlimited SuperPAC money at his disposal. That and his ruthlessness and his the fact that he does not care what he says will keep him in the game.
But, as you note, Romney will have unlimited SuperPAC money at his disposal. That and his ruthlessness and his the fact that he does not care what he says will keep him in the game.
8:09 PM
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youtube.com – @1:56 Paul: I have a personal opinion. I think more wars are what the world doesn't need. I think fear of what the Iranians are doing is way overblown...
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