Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Newt #Gingrich: The most interesting man in the world

Michael Trice  -  6:03 PM  -  Public
Could Newt have saved Santorum's campaign?
This would have probably been the best scenario for Santorum, as it would have finally given him the one-on-one fight with Romney that he has been begging for. Moreover, if Ron Paul stayed in and cont...
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Jo Sparkles  -  6:02 PM  -  Public
Gingrich will be next... and it's about the delegates.. NOT the projecteddelegates.. So Santorum can't just hand it over to Romney as much as he would like too.. he played his part well being a total buffoon so that Romney could look almost intelligent in comparison...Hell anyone would and people buy into this BS...

He never could get the delegates cause he could not run in several states.. nor can Gingrich.. All a show to keep the lime light off Ron Paul who is carrying in people by the bus loads... Those people in power CAN NOT let the federal reserve be dismantled.. They will do everything in their power to Keep the Federal reserve in tact... Those Large corporations count on it!
youtube.com – Rick Santorum Drops Out Of Race 2012 GOP Primary Electoin Now What Quits "suspends campaign" What does this mean for everyone that despises Mittens Romney...
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Karyn Roberts  -  Buh bye, Rickie, buh bye ...
6:03 PM       
Cefer Dakat  -  He shouldnta been so HARD on porn
6:04 PM       
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