Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Obama delivers a speech Tuesday in the Sunshine State pegged to a "fairness" message

Pradheep Shanker  -  6:08 PM  -  Public
Independents don't want 'fairness' from the government; they want pro-job growth policies. And that is why they have largely tuned out Obama's message on the subject.

What if President Obama delivers a speech Tuesday in the Sunshine State pegged to a "fairness" message that is missing the mark with an indispensable bloc of American voters he most needs to...
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Linda Plue  -  Dow dropped 200 points while he spoke about fairness..Gotta love it.
6:10 PM (edited)   
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Bert Knabe  -  6:07 PM  -  Public
SOPA is not better now than it was 2 months ago.
David Smith's profile photoDavid Smith originally shared this post:
Obama is calling for another internet censorship bill like SOPA. We won't stand for this. Act now.
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