Monday, May 21, 2012

Ron Paul Wins 32 of 40 Delegates in Minnesota Revolution lives on; supporters still going strong

Eduards Jašs

10:35 PM  -  Public

Originally published on May 21, 2012 by matlarson10 Please subscribe to Mat Larson's channel: **HELP SPREAD THIS VIDEO AND MESSAGE!** Donate at Please Visit:
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Bliu Nineleven

10:34 PM  -  Public
Sponsor a Delegate or Alternate to Paul Festival and the RNC in Tampa this August! They need our help to get to Tampa and vote for Ron Paul!
Paul Festival 2012 - Tribute to Ron Paul and Grassroots Activism - RNC Delegate Sponsorship »

Paul Festival, Liberty Fest 2012 - The largest celebration of Individual Liberty and Personal Freedom the world has ever seen.
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Supporters of republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul wear t-shirts that spell out "PAUL" during a campaign stop at the Park Place Event Center on January 2, 2012 in Cedar Falls, Iowa. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images) Donald Barsell of Ben Lomond, Ca., a supporter of presidential candidate Ron ...