Monday, May 21, 2012

Ron Paul Taking Over GOP? Ron Paul Could Win & Has Not Dropped Out

Bradley miller

9:02 PM  -  Public
Joshua Collins originally shared this post:
Can't wait for August.
This is a non bias report from reporter Ben Swann of Reality Check. He explains how Mitt Romney has really only won a few hundred delegates and is not close to the 1000 the mainstream media says he has. Not only that but they are also caught lying about how Ron Paul has dropped out. Ron Paul has not dropped out and is still in the race. The puzzling viewpoint is that the media doesn't think there is going to be an outrage against them for lying straight to millions of people. Time will tell to see what happens to these traitors.
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Nathan Linn

8:58 PM  -  Public
Travis Weik originally shared this post:
Keep on keeping on!
Ron Paul Wins Delegates in Four States - Bloomberg »
Representative Ron Paul picked up Republican delegates in four states over the weekend even as he announced he would no longer spend money to compete
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Jo Sparkles

8:57 PM  -  Public
Thank you Ben Swann for taking the time to do the research and share what the main stream media will not...
Ron Paul has large Corporations running scared... He can't be bought... and he would do away with a LOT of the BS that the Rich are living on...
They are playing every trick in the book...
But what they just don't realize is that you can't stop an idea who's time has come.
Ron Paul Videos @ Visit to watch videos related to Gary Johnson, Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, John Stossel and more. Ron Paul News: Full May 18th Reality Check GOP Special - Ron Paul is Taking Over The GOP! (2012-05-18) From: May 18th Fox 19 Ben Swann Reality Check Half Hour GOP Special Ron Paul 2012 Gary Johnson 2012 Mitt Romney 2012 Rick Santorum 2012 Newt Gingrich 2012 Governor Mitt Romney Senator Rick Former Speaker Newt Gingrich Congressman Rep. Ron Paul Write In Write-In Ron Paul Delegate Count Google Plus Hangout Gary Johnson g + Hangout Webcam Chat Gary Johnson beating brawl palm bay debate beats on tape after son loses a fight Ron Paul News debate Ron paul ad predictions what if maine NDAA Rand Paul rachel maddow toilet speech tsa Alex jones Rand Paul Iran NDAA poor people Mitt Romney glitter bomb who let the dogs out flip flop michigan Singing Mitt Romney serial killer debate heavy metal college Rick Santorum song booed homosexuality Newt Gingrich debate john king moon base colony State Alex Jones Show kony 2012 channel Judge Andrew Napolitano Peter Schiff Gerald Celente Adam Kokesh John Stossel Tom Woods Alex Jones David Icke Ben Swann Mox News Jesse Ventura Ben Swann with Fox19 May 18th Reality Check Half Hour GOP Special Ron Paul Delegates Winning Supporter Senator Dr Rand Sen President Gary Johnson Rick Santorum Newt Gingrich GOP Convention Full FED TSA CPAC GOP RNC News LP DC OWS MSM RT ABC NBC FOX MSNBC CNN CSPAN TYT HBO Drug War Iran Jobs Debt Exit Poll 2012 Election Business Mitt Romney Bain Capital Company Barack Obama Speech Alex Jones Judge Andrew Napolitano Peter Schiff Tom Woods Adam Kokesh John Stossel
Jen Bried9:19 PM
wow sarah palin has fair changed her tune.