Report: NBA gives more to Romney thanObama
politico POLITICO
A new report shows that NBA employees have given more money to Mitt Romney than President Obama: new report shows that NBA employees have given more money to Mitt Romney than President Obama.
Obama — a huge hoops fan — is holding a fundraiser with basketball legends Carmelo Anthony, Patrick Ewing, Michael Jordan and others soon.
But the website finds that NBA players, owners, and coaches have given a total of $70,000 to Romney, against just $52,650 to Obama this cycle.
However, there's a caveat to the data — most of Romney's donations come from team ownership and NBA management. Obama, on the other hand, has the unanimous support of all three players on the list, as well as six coaches. Obama also has 19 NBA donors for an average donation of $2771, while Romney has 15 donors for an average donation of $4,666 — meaning Obama's small donor advantage over Romney extends even to NBA players, coaches and owners.
Vince Carter of the Dallas Mavericks, Grant Hill of the L.A. Clippers and and free agent Baron Davis are the only three players on the list.