Obama's Cursing Emails Continue
biggovt Big Government
Obama's Cursing Emails Continue: The incessant cursing of Obama campaign emails continues. And now, another curs..OBAMA'S CURSING EMAILS CONTINUE

The incessant cursing of Obama campaign emails continues.
And now, another curse word brought to you by the classy Obama campaign.
Their latest personal email? (with commentary included)
It's safe to say this campaign has run a lot of contests.
Not from behind.
But even I think this convention contest is pretty damn cool.
You’ve gotta be hip to know how to swear. And since you’re trying to reach every constituency, you might as well go after the gangsta rapper vote.
You'll be automatically entered to meet President Obama in Charlotte and, when he takes the stage, sit up front with First Lady Michelle Obama, if you pitch in $3 or whatever you can today.
Is it safe to bring my bacon cheeseburger, too?
You'll literally have the best seat in the house for an important moment in history.
No need to worry; Obama’s public appearances usually have plenty of extra seats available, so you can sit wherever you like.
When you're there, you'll be representing millions of other people who read these emails and enter these contests because you're all part of a grassroots effort to re-elect the President of the United States, up against interest groups that are trying to spend an ungodly sum of money to buy this election.
Who’s paying for this big convention, anyway? What? Duke Energy guaranteed a loan for it? Oh.
The donation you make right now is how we fight back. And with this contest, you've got extra incentive to join in.
Pitch in what you can today to be automatically entered: