Tuesday: NEW FLORIDA POLL: Romney 45; Obama 43 Timing couldn't be better, i.e., pre-convention buzz

Tuesday: Democrat-leaning consulting/polling firm finds Romney leading Obama 48/44 in Michigan 16 electoral votes.

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CNN 2012 Electoral Map -- Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Monday: A new Monmouth University pollof likely voters gives President Barack Obama a slight one-point edge,


Monday: Air France asks passengers for gas money in Syria, Alternative eventually found

President Obama Denies Linking Romney To Women’s Death, But The Claim Ran On His Campaign Website

Monday: Obama threatens to attack #Syria Obama has a stern warning has not ruled out an offensive strike

Monday: Car bomb kills eight near Turkey's border with Syria blamed on Kurdish separatists

Monday: Trump Responds To Being Called 'Right Wing Nut Job' By Obama, calling it an "honor"

Tuesday: Swing state poll: After picking Ryan, Romney now leads in Ohio, Virginia — and Florida

Tuesday: #Florida Democrat Party Exec Director Dumps Obama For Romney, encouraged other Dem to join hi

Tuesday: Switzerland objects to ‘Romney Girl’ video expressed its unhappiness at the clip to the Obama team

Monday: Obama Is Crumbling In Wisconsin After Paul Ryan's Addition To Mitt Romney's Ticket

Monday: Obama $600M Romney $564M July

Monday: Obama campaign's spending outpaces its fundraising

Monday: #Syria Passengers on an Air France flight were asked to "chip in" to pay cash for a refuel after their plane was forced to land i

Monday: President Obama Denies Linking Romney To Women's Death, But The Claim Ran On His Campaign Website

Monday: A new report shows that NBA employees have given more money to #Romney than #Obama