Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Poll: Romney up 4% in Florida

Swing states looking good. RT FloridaRomney 49%Obama 45% 

Poll: Romney up 4% in Florida

A new Gravis Marketing survey shows Mitt Romney leading Barack Obama, 49%-45%, in Florida.

Interestingly, if you add Gary Johnson to the equation, he takes 1.7% from Romney and .5% from Obama. That means if the Romney-Obama gap is tight enough, Johnson could swing the state, which would be a bitter irony for the GOP, considering it shunned and blacked him out of primary debates when he was running for the Republican nomination.

Other stats of note: Romney wins both Catholics and Protestants, while Obama wins religious affiliations outside of those two groups, non-affiliated voters, and Jews.

This is the latest in a series of strong swing state polls for Romney, and thethird consecutive poll showing him slightly ahead in Florida.