Aug23: Fox poll: Romney 45, Obama 44.. AP poll: Obama 47 Romney 46.. Today's Rasmussen and Gallup a tie
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Tuesday: #Egypt Brotherhood taking total control #Mohamed Morsy is quietly taking over all the power bases in the country.
Tuesday: #Syria Pro-Assad Al Mayadeen TV channel tweets location of FSA fighters
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Tuesday: OHIO #Poll Adjusted polling average #Obama 46.1 #Romney 44.5
Tuesday: Important things to note about Romney/Ryan Friday event: 1) they're teaming up again and 2) it's in Michigan.
Tuesday: The Roots of Obama’s Rage Already the No. 2 grossing documentary of the year, "2016: Obama's America"
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Aug23: Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan ticket receives the backing of 45% Barack Obama-Joe Biden ticket garners 44%
Tuesday: #Egypt requests $4.8bn loan to boost economy, as they move tanks into Sinai
Tuesday: #Egypt's Brotherhood Launches Violent Attacks Against Secular Media, Crucifies Opponents
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Robby Ball's Photos | Facebook
Tuesday: NEVADA #Poll Adjusted polling average #Obama 48.2 #Romney 45.3
Tuesday: #Obama Supporters Melt Down, This email thread from a Virginia pro-Obama listserv offers a glimpse into tension
Tuesday: Obama Denies Linking Romney To Women's Death, But The Claim Ran On His Campaign Website #News