Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Call Me Crazy, But I Thought Romney Won This Final One

Call Me Crazy, But I Thought Romney Won This Final One

Mitt Romney with supporters 2 SC Call Me Crazy, But I Thought Romney Won This Final One
The Third 2012 Presidential Debate
I am not a Romney fan (I am not an Obama fan either), but I thought Romney actually won this third presidential debate.
Yes, he agreed with a lot of what Obama has done with foreign affairs. However, in areas where he should not have agreed, he didn’t.
He spoke up for Israel and nailed Obama for having not visited there on his apologetic Middle East presidential trip early on. He also spoke up about Russia and mentioned Obama’s “oops” moment with the microphone on. He made clear that Iran is the biggest foreign threat. And he could not have been more thorough about China’s inability to play fair and what he would do there.
He did these things while certainly holding his own in the exchange and not letting Obama get the better of him. And actually, I felt that Obama again often looked like one of those bouncy doggy heads in the back window of a 1960s Chevy. So why is the mainstream media saying Obama won? I guess we all know why.
Debra J.M. Smith 10-22-12

Photo Credit : Gage Skidmore (Creative Commons)

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