Thursday, October 25, 2012

Self-Proclaimed Non-Divisive President Obama Calls Romney a Bullsh***er


Non-Divisive President Obama 

Calls Romney a Bullsh***er 

Self-Proclaimed Non-Divisive President Obama Calls Romney a Bullsh***er

 OCTOBER 25, 2012 12:42 PM
This will not help Obama with undecided voters in any fashion.
Via Daily Mail:
President Barack Obama took the opportunity to describe his opponent Mitt Romney as ‘a bulls***ter’, it was revealed today.
The extraordinary comment – most American newspapers decline even to print such a word – came at the end of an interview with ‘Rolling Stone’ in which Obama was asked possibly the softest softball question ever lobbed at him.
As he left the Oval Office, Eric Bates, executive editor of ‘Rolling Stone’, told Obama that he had asked his six-year-old if there was anything she wanted him to say to the president and she had responded: ‘Tell him: You can do it.’
According to Bates, Obama grinned and said: ‘You know, kids have good instincts. They look at the other guy and say, “Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.”‘
This interview came ten days before Obama was complimentary of Romney the man (as opposed to the politician) at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial dinner in New York during which Obama said, “I particularly want to thank Governor Romney for joining me, because I admire him very much as a family man and a loving father, and those are two titles that will always matter more than any political ones.”
Does this explicit vocabulary mean anything? Consider what this will do as far as the election is concerned: Democrats, liberals, and other Obama supporters will say that this is no big deal and will criticize those who are making a fuss about it. Republicans, conservatives, and Romney supporters will shout and scream and say the utterance of the word is rude and not presidential at all. But they are all decided, so who cares what they think at this point?
The real matter depends on how this can sway undecided voters. You must consider that some will not care about Obama saying this …at all, but you also must consider that some will be offended by the explicit nature of Obama’s response or the divisiveness of his words, and that could be enough to sway some votes in this very close election.
Verdict: he should not have said it, because it could very well convince an undecided voter to push the Romney button, and both candidates need every vote they can get. Every single little thing matters right now with less that two weeks to go, and news of Obama calling Romney a “bullshitter,” a word that cannot even be printed or uttered in many mainstream mediums, will certainly not help his cause.