New poll: Obama, Romney tied in Ohio
4:40 PM - 22 Oct 12 · Details
Suffolk Poll: Obama, Romney tied in Ohio
Posted by Rachel Weiner on October 22, 2012 at 3:33 pm
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A new Suffolk University poll has President Obama and Mitt Romney tied among likely Ohio voters at 47 percent.
In past surveys Obama has dominated Romney in likability. But here, the two candidates get nearly identical ratings. Obama is viewed favorably by 50 percent of voters and unfavorably by 46 percent; Romney is viewed favorably by 50 percent and unfavorably by 45. Obama leads 54 to 41 percent among those who have voted already, a reflection of his campaign’s intense focus on early voting.
A Quinnipiac/CBS News poll released Monday gave Obama the lead in Ohio among likely voters, 50 to 45 percent. A month ago, the same poll gave Obama a 10-point lead.