Mitt Romney leads by six percent in new QStarNews presidential poll

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney holds a baby during a campaign rally at Avon Lake High School on October 29, 2012 in Avon Lake, Ohio.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Romney has a 6.55 percent lead in the newQstarNews presidential poll released today.
While the latest Rasmussen Reports Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows Mitt Romney leading President Obama at 49 percent to 47 percent while the QStarNews Daily Tracking poll released today shows a Romney lead of 52 percent to 46 percent. The latest Gallup tracking poll of likely voters released today shows Romney leading 51 percent to 46 percent over the president.Mitt Romney's surge in the polls is even reflected in his slim lead today in the Real Clear Politics average of major polls.
The new QStarNews Poll of Politics and Currents Events released today shows Romney at 52.19 percent and Obama at 45.64 percent. The survey, conducted via web-saved surveying by The Q Star Groupincluded 2708 likely voters polled between October 25 - October 28 and it has a margin of error of 1.88 percent.
The QStarNews Poll also showed President Obama's approval rating at 45.01 percent while 54.98 percent of voters disapprove of the president's performance in office. Those who strongly disapprove were at 49.44 percent while those who strongly approve were at 25.08, leading do a negative approval rating of 24.36 percent. These numbers are just a few percent away fromRasmussen's approval to disapprove numbers, which are current 49 percent to 51 percent.
Support for the candidates among members of their own respective political parties, as revealed by the QStarNews Poll, remains very high. President Obama enjoys support from 91.29 percent of Democrats while Mitt Romney enjoys the support of 95.23 percent of Republican voters. Independents favored Romney narrowly, by a 55.81 percent to 44.19 margin.
Of those voters who chose Barack Obama in 2008, 27.57 percent of them have changed their mind and said in the QStarNews Poll they will be voting for Mitt Romney in this year's election. That is a significant portion of Obama's 2008 supporters to switch sides if they in fact do vote for Romney in this coming election.
The web site describes the QStarNews poll as, “The QStarNews Poll is all about getting it right and putting out accurate numbers on where the political races and other questions of public opinion really stand as of now. Our goal is to NOT be skewed or confirm pre-conceived results. This election season has seen so many polls heavily skewed and poorly weighted, that show skewed and inaccurate results. The purpose of this poll is to present the most accurate results possible based on the latest of what is known about the electorate and voter behavior and other statistical information available.”
Several of the polls commissioned by mainstream media outlets have been skewed by over-sampling Democrats to skew the results in favor of Barack Obama. Last month, the lastCNN/ORC poll was similarly skewed. In August of this year on the Fox News segment“Campaign Insiders” today, Democratic pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen both confirmed their belief that major polls are skewed in favor of the Democrats by over-sampling of Democratic voters when the surveys are conducted.
So many of these skewed polls have been unskewed here in this column they are now averaged, in unskewed form, in the new UnSkewed Average of Polls that today shows Romney leading by 2.6 percent.
Let your voice be heard, take the QStarNews Daily Tracking Poll, just a few quick questions, and the full QStarNews Poll with many interesting questions.
Featured in The Blaze, the Drudge Report and mentioned on the Rush Limbaugh Show and others, everyone is visiting to check out the average of unskewed polls. Check out the new Obama Humor pages
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