Mitt Romney and Barack Obama leads reversed in skewed CBS poll

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during campaign rally at Tampa International Airport on October 31, 2012 in Tampa, Florida.
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The latest New York Times/CBS News pollof the presidential race released today is yet another doctored poll that shows President Obama leading when its data indicates a Mitt Romney lead. The survey of 563 registered voters, polled between October 25-28, has Obama leading over Romney by a 48 percent to 47 percent margin. Unskewing the dataindicates a Romney lead of 48.72 percent to 46.52 percent.
The New York Times/CBS News poll data claims the poll is weighted at 36 percent Democrats, 31 percent Republicans and 33 percent independent voters. This weighting would indicate a sample that is skewed by five percent compared to the projected turnout model used in the QStarNews poll.
While the New York Times/CBS News pollreported Obama leading by a margin of 48 percent to 47 percent over Romney, the survey reported Democrats supporting Obama by a 93 percent to five percent ratio while Republicans supported Romney by a 91 percent to five percent margin. The poll has independent voters going for Romney by a 51 percent to 39 percent margin.
According to data from the latest QStarNews poll, the expected partisan make up of the electorate expected for this year's election is 34.8 percent Republicans, 35.2 percent Democrats and 30.0 independents.
When the data from the New York Times/CBS News poll is unskewed by weighting their reported percentages between Romney and Obama to the partisan affiliations showed by Rasmussen's extensive data results on that issue, the overall picture of Obama's approval to disapproval rating is different. With Republicans weighted 34.8 percent, Democrats at 35.2 percent and Independents at 30.0 percent, the results calculate to a Romney lead of 48.72 percent to 46.52 percent. If most of the undecided voters go for Romney between now and election day, which is likely, the likely Romney popular vote will be about 52.29 percent.
This survey is not the only such poll recently to be skewed by over-sampling Democrats to skew the results in favor of Barack Obama. Earlier this year, the September CNN/ORC poll wassimilarly skewed. Last month on the Fox News segment “Campaign Insiders” today, Democratic pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen both confirmed their belief that major pollsare skewed in favor of the Democrats by over-sampling of Democratic voters when the surveys are conducted.
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