Friday, December 28, 2012

#Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood seeking "total control of the media"

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood government seeking "total control of the media" 

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood  seeking "total control of the media"

I expect that some of our hopelessly compromised pro-jihad pseudo-journalists such as Christiane Amanpour, Manya Brachear, Bob Smietana, Kari Huus, Dave Weigel, Michael Kruse and their ilk are hurrying over to Cairo now, eager to aid the Muslim Brotherhood in its conversion of the nation's media into its own propaganda organ.
"Brotherhood’s Shater seeks ‘total control’ of media: Egypt’s opposition group," from al-Arabiya, December 29:
Egypt’s opposition group, the Popular Front, said on Wednesday that it had laid hands on a leaked document signed by the Muslim Brotherhood’s deputy chairman Khairat al-Shater in which he urged the government to claim “total control of the media.”
Shater, who was the Brotherhood’s main presidential candidate before he was disquieted by the election committee, reportedly also called for shutting down TV channels owned by opposition groups.
Al-Tahreer newspaper reported that Shater even advised his brethren at the helm of Egypt’s policy making to find ways to contain the more radical Salafi Islamists. Salafis have strongly stood by the Brotherhood in recent constitutional battles, but the Brotherhood see extremist Islamists as potential future threats....
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The truth is that the media in Egypt was never free, and the MB will only make it worse. But the main point is how can anyone say there were free elections in Egypt? A prerequisite for free elections is freedom of the press, and that hardly exists in any of the Muslim countries. Without a free press voters do not get the information they need to cast an informed vote. They are voting on the basis of censored and distorted news. Yes, let's have free elections in Egypt and the Muslim world, but first things first -- a free press.
Maybe they'd like to be a Islamic version of North Korea. After all, their phoney baloney Islam is so fragile it needs all the protection it can get.
but the Brotherhood see extremist Islamists as potential future threats....
When Allah is in charge, it becomes difficult to tell the players apart without a score card...

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