Saturday, December 29, 2012

Picture tells the real story

hendrika landman originally shared this post:
Spider Monkey. I wonder why its called that?

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G+ a tough road

G+ for a source of traffic, a tough road, but if you make it a destination for traffic, and build your profile circle it actually starts to be somewhat of a source. So maybe that's the trick. At least it is starting to work for me, and I track it with my blog, so I am seeing some...

My site:

I started by making my G+ profile one that people would add to circles, that get shared around. I did this by finding the most active group, photographers. They have the most passion on G+ because they are trying to get noticed. I started by adding every photigrapher group i could find. Nature.. seems to be the most popular. Then I spend a few minutes several times a day, sharing their work to my profile. For one, they say thank you many times, but main benefit is others see and like the photos too and add me to their circles because I have nice content.... Over my first 6 months I ended up in 6500 ppl's circles fairly easily

Slowly over time, I start sharing some, not many of my blog stories, but make sure to share some pretty pictures before and after each link important to me, and now slowly I am starting to see some benefit that I can track specifically back to G+.Using Feedburner and auto tweet on my blog I average about 20 page views per new blog in first 10 minutes. If I add a G+ linkback using strategy above, I might get 25 page views in first 10 minutes... So, not alot, but it is a 25% increase in viewers, so it is starting to be significant...

Hope this helps