Nov15: #Syria Border guards foiled an attempt to smuggle 35 missiles coming from Libya
Nov18: #Israel How does Israel's #IronDome missile shield work? #Gaza | Egyptday1
Dec9: #Egypt Romano cheese,entered egypt with roman soldiers,egyptians couldn't develop it 4 2000 yrs
Robby Ball - Google+ - "Sentinel Mesa Sunrise"Just at sunrise in Monument…
Robby Ball - Google+ - Fun time...can you find me?你看到我嗎? :D
Dec7: Translated #Egypt press syndicate rejects constitution, & takes action against chairman who voted for it
Robby Ball - Google+ - Good night to all the people who like my workWhenever you…
Robby Ball's Photos | Facebook
#Syria Damascus remains loyal to Assad, anwargargash & nasserjudeh at the Doha meetings for Palestine | Might be News?
Dec7: U.S. mission in Libya where a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack

Avocado Fries
Dec7: Simple Question #Egypt Mohammed Morsi: Abe Lincoln in Disguise or Another Mubarak?
Robby Ball - Google+ - #anythinganydayoftheweek by +jerry robinWell this is the…
Dec7: Google has plans to bring Android’s Google Now to the desktop, arriving by way of Chrome
Hyak HummingbirdsA Hummingbird flies near the home of Chris Caviezel, on May 11, 2010 in Hyak, Wash. Each year, Caviezel buys between 150 and 200 pounds of sugar and uses it to create the nectar, that draws the tiny birdsto the dozen bright red feeders that hang outside his home. (AP Photo/Daily Record, Brian Myrick) MANDATORY CREDIT AP
Dec9: #Egypt Morsi gives police powers to army ahead of referendum: CAIRO
Dec9: Egypt has turmoil and... it's a normal shaking out process.) An 80 Million Strong Rising Tide Takes Time to Settle

Drum riser in studio finished
Robby Ball - Google+ - FLAVIO IS ALIVE!A girl told us that she saw him on the…
Dec9: #Horrified Snake on a plane forces emergency landing
Robby Ball - Google+ - My little bahahaha moment of the day.
Robby Ball - Google+
Robby Ball's Photos | Facebook
#Syria Damascus remains loyal to Assad, anwargargash & nasserjudeh at the Doha meetings for Palestine
What exactly happened? So the i #Libya assault was "was an attack by Iran"?
Robby Ball - Google+ - Лондон, Великобритания

Fruit Pizza
Dec7: #Morsi #Egypt Morsy's decree last week giving him a host of new powers has divided society, but it has also unified opposition
Robby Ball - Google+
Dec7: #Egypt judges 'to oversee referendum' despite boycott to NOT preside over the vote, scheduled for 15 December
Nov15: #Syria As new Opposition forms at #Qatar meeting, #Israel finally loses patience & returns fire to Syria

Magruders - PerfectSTranger - Late 80's Early 90's - Robby.wmv
Aug17: #Egypt's M.B. islamic president 'to visit Iran' - first such visit since overthrow of the shah in 1979
@[120792878000202:274:A Better Me]
Robby Ball - Google+ - #startrailsunday #landscapephotography +Landscape…
Dec7: #Egypt Egyptian constitution could restrict and severely undermine the rights of women and girls
Robby Ball - Google+
Robby Ball - Google+ - Portrait of a Rainbow Lorikeet. Photographed in Queen's…
Google has plans to bring Android’s Google Now to the desktop, arriving by way of Chrome
Dec7: Renesys confirms restoration of the Internet in Syria at 14:32:10 UTC on Saturday
Robby Ball - Google+ - Upper Yosemite Falls, CaliforniaPhotograph by Andrew…
Dec7: Instead of black gold, Libya eyes olive oil ◄- For more.
Robby Ball - Google+ - Decided the painter, overcome to natureTook the pig paper…
Robby Ball - Google+ - WildgänseDerzeit hört man sie wieder mit lautem…