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Al Jazeera reporter killed by sniper in Syria
Freelance journalist Mohammed al-Horani was killed by a sniper in the province of Deraa, Al Jazeera spokesperson says.
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- News by Yahoo Syrian opposition in new search for transitional government: ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Syria's oppositi... joining Al Jazeera al-Horani was an activist in the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad [Al Jazeera]
A sniper has shot dead Al Jazeera freelance reporter Mohamed Al-Massalma in the southern Syrian province of Deraa, the Qatar-based media network has said. "The Syrian journalist, 33, used the pseudonym of Mohamed Al-Horani. He was shot with three bullets, during covering the fights at the front lines in the town of Busra Al-Harir in the countryside of Deraa." the news channel said in a press release on Friday. An Al Jazeera Media Network spokesperson affirmed that "targeting its collaborating journalists and crews will not change the editorial method and guidelines adopted by the network since it was launched 16 years ago for the sake of delivering the truth". Before joining Al Jazeera, al-Horani was an activist in the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad. - اين هم المقاومون . . . . . . . . . . . . . إذا كنت منتسب لهذه الصفحة فهذا يعني أنك من المقاومة شباب و صبايا...
@joejglenton question is what was he & the SAS doing in Syriabefore the war began? … judge dropped a clanger there