When #FSA rats try to shoot down a civilian plane because of what? Their love for their #Syria-n "brothers" ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CiWjLkk6Lew# …
Logical Fallacies: The Financial Times on Syria and Uranium Stockpiles: http://www.newsunspun.org/article/logical-fallacies-the-financial-times-on-syria-and-uranium-stockpiles … (analysis of dubious article by @JamesBlitz)
According to Assafir, Saudi is scared of the same Islamist forces it armed in Syria, and is now re-engaging Assad http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/politics/2013/01/saudi-syria-security-communication.html …
This could be the birth of an independent Kurdish state - The Guardian via @Arabist http://m.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jan/09/birth-kurdish-state-ottoman-syria-arab-spring …
Syria's rebels are desperately attacking airports in light of "a significant decline in military supplies from abroad" http://almon.co/4ou
In the Syrian uprising, the opportunity for meaningful U.S. intervention might have passed http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/09/opinion/bakos-syria-al-qaeda/index.html?hpt=wo_c2 … my take on CNN