Sunday, January 20, 2013

US Weapons Are Going To Hard-Line Jihadists Fighting To Topple The...

  1. 9hTiny Klout Flag78Dima Khatib أنا ديمة ‏@Dima_Khatib
    There must be something we could do to stop the death train inSyria. We can't just keep sitting, eating, drinking, sleeping.. and watching!
  2. 9hTiny Klout Flag78Dima Khatib أنا ديمة ‏@Dima_Khatib
    I used to love red, my favourite colour, the colour of life love passion. Until I discovered it's colour of death when Syria turned all red!

  1. 14hTiny Klout Flag79Marc Colombo ‏@marccolombo
    Make sure you all send  GOOD LUCK WISHES before the NFC Championship game tomorrow!!  
  2. 22hTiny Klout Flag70TWHITNER @DonteWhitner
    The dream is real...NOW LET'S LIVE IT! !
  3. 17 JanTiny Klout Flag34Suzi Mellano ‏@SuziMellano
    Up late watching the NFL network, wish  was with me to appreciate all this Niners talk...