- When Turkey is not directly ethnically cleansing Kurds, it's supporting and funding terrorists to kill them in Syria.
#BerxwedanaRojavaShelling is audible on Lebanon's border with Syria. Potential for spillover into Lebanon is high V/ FT http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/7548cd8a-5e6b-11e2-b3cb-00144feab49a.html#axzz2IYQ6L8Oj …
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@49ers and Colin Kaepernick (@Kaepernick7).#49ers#Ninerspic.twitter.com/v4arXdu9 #Niners - This is so awesome! Rockers Coheed and Cambria put on a surprise show at Comic Con! http://bit.ly/W1sogy- Sweet
@Julie_Buehler#Niners are the first team since '04 Eagles to appear in back to back NFC Championship games.