This photo says it all: People react after hearing the final verdict of the #PortSaid stadium massacre #egypt
11:47 AM - 26 Jan 13 · Details

People react after hearing the final verdict of the 2012 Port Said massacre, in Port Said, January 26, 2013 (Photo: Reuters)


The head of Port Said Hospital directorate, Abdel Rahman Farah, updated Ahram Online claiming: "There are many more severely wounded...which means that the death toll can rise within the coming hours."
Security forces fired tear gas to disperse the angry crowd, mainly family members, trying to break into the prison with rocks and firearms. All of the accused are in prisons, except for five policemen that were present in the courtroom as the judge announced the verdict.
Protesters are currently surrounding the morgue.
Other protesters stormed, looted and set the police dorms on fire located in front of the hospital.
A police station was torched and a minibus that belonged to one of the media channels was set on fire.
Army forces have been deployed in the Suez Canal area in Port-Said coastal city.
Egypt's railway authority announces that trains will stop at Ismailiya, the major station before Port Said, to avoid getting into the area with clashes