Saturday, January 24, 2015

I NEED A JOB - read my story? My "15 minutes of Fame"

Shared publicly  -  10:49 AM
I NEED A JOB - read my story?
My "15 minutes of Fame" -- I have been one of the luckiest people I know, and though I am losing my job I have had for 15 years at the end of the month, I am unexplainably excited and don't know why. I do not know what I am going to do, I am not making and plans, I have not written a resume, but I am highly confident that I am about to go on my "next great a adventure" and will once again find a way to experience my next wonderful moment where i get to experience where I realize I just experienced my next "15 minutes of fame" ..... continued

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13 comments resort by: Number of +1's Date 
kevin Paul Jeater
10:54 AM
+Robby Ball I am sure something will turn up; I shall forward and circulate. Keep in touch friend :)
Garnie Bolling
11:16 AM
You have given others advice to step forth and do it. Good to see you following your own advice and start looking. There are lots of us out there looking for the next adventure, so you have my support... I will be looking for you, just in case I find something in Atlanta or something that can be remote... Remote, try to wear some pants and not just underwear lol... Guess that is why Meg wanted all of Yahoo in the office, too many employees at home in their underwear supporting Yahoo lol... Cheers 
Scott Townsend
11:17 AM
+Robby Ball good luck. Hopefully this will inspire you a bit.

I got my dream job working for RCA Records. My boss there was a complete moron. After 6 months I resigned.

Like you I had no idea what I was going to do. I just knew I was not going to be abused by my boss anymore.

That night I got home and got a call from Red Ant Records and they wanted to hire me.

So in other words I was out of work for about 10 hours or so.

All my best

Sofie Dagher
11:40 AM
Inspiring words... Wish you the best... Thanks for your share.