- Moving Image & Audio and 199 others followNew poll shows that @realDonaldTrump is leading the GOP presidential pack with 32% of the vote. #TheFive202 retweets313 favorites
- Why isn't the media reporting that Trump has the highest poll numbers among Blacks and Latinos in modern Republican presidential history?17 retweets26 favorites
- Papua Market and 199 others followCarly Fiorina would replace the president's weekly radio address with a live smartphone poll http://econ.st/1KAq2E075 retweets68 favorites
- Matthew DiGeronimo and 24 others followWOW!!! TRUMP GETS SUPPORT FROM BLACK VOTERS Like Never Seen By Any Republican Presidential Candidate http://100percentfedup.com/shock-poll-trump-gets-support-from-black-voters-like-never-seen-by-any-republican-presidential-candidate/ …47 retweets42 favorites