- Freedom Wins and 6 others Retweeted67 retweets78 likes
- Sharon McCutchan and 4 others RetweetedTrump: Bringing Syrian refugees to U.S. could result in military coup @CNNPolitics http://cnn.it/1hhVOrO37 retweets34 likes
- TRUMPTAFARIAN and 2 others likedDonald Trump Hammers Democratic Pres. Candidate for Apologizing After Saying 'All Lives Matter.' http://www.ijreview.com/2015/08/399418-donald-trump-hammers-democratic-pres-candidate-apologizing-saying-lives-matter/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=entry-meta&utm_campaign=Sharing … #DemDebate
- OrgConservAmericans Retweeted The Right ScoopTrump was against refugees coming to USA before Paris attacks! This is true leadership, pre-acting. Cruz after factOrgConservAmericans added,63The Right Scoop @TheRightScoopTed Cruz CALLS FOR END to Syrian refugee resettlement to America after #Paris TERROR ATTACK http://therightscoop.com/ted-cruz-calls-for-end-to-syrian-refugee-resettlement-to-america-after-paris-terror-attack/ …6 retweets9 likes
- Mary P Garcia and 41 others followSerendipity Retweeted Johnny BCLINTON wants to bring 200,000 Syrian "refugees" to America! TRUMP WILL CLOSE OUR BORDERS! 2016 - YOU DECIDE!Serendipity added,42Johnny B @harlowjohn199@Allephemeral @NBCNews in no way are either of them good for America27 retweets21 likes
- Sophisticated Gent and 177 others followSenior Trump Advisor: They’re Not ‘Undocumented Aliens… They’re Illegal Immigrants’ [VIDEO] http://trib.al/3OVQIa540 retweets55 likes
- Father-G'pa Trump and 1 other RetweetedThank God media is afraid to publish post debate polls. It lets HUGE Trump numbers on Reuters dominate for days.76 retweets103 likes