- SinethembaInvestCo and 199 others followO'Malley called Trump an “immigrant-bashing carnival barker.” Here's The Donald's response http://bloom.bg/1PI3am335 retweets20 likes
- Cathy Webb and 9 others RetweetedThis is funny. Media scared to death to publish new polls showing Trump surge so we go into Sunday shows with that big fat Reuters 42%. :-)127 retweets147 likes
- Experts: we must better vett these refugees. Say what? O.k. got a suicide vest out of here! Experts? Let's GO #TRUMP and hurry!2 retweets5 likes
- Students For Trump and 199 others followThe only GOP candidate who is & has been talking about the destruction to our most important job bases is Trump http://newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd693.htm …2 retweets3 likes
- This is what we learned about Donald Trump by visiting his mansion in Palm Beach: http://wapo.st/1QEHwzY http://fb.me/7Ldny8lRX38 retweets38 likes
- America ❤'s Trump and 2 others RetweetedBill Mitchell Retweeted Terry W King.@FoxNews actually reported Trump's 42% number in the Reuter's Poll. In other news, popsicles in Hell half price.Bill Mitchell added,42Terry W King @TWKing2015Donald Trump pulls ahead in national poll | http://video.foxnews.com/v/4613703501001/donald-trump-pulls-ahead-in-national-poll/ …61 retweets97 likes
- Frank Scozzari and 199 others followActually, Mr. Trump, Iowa is one of the smartest states in the union http://wapo.st/1RU6TfN?tid=ss_tw …
- Gladys G Leija and 187 others followHow this woman reading a book at #Trump2016 rally became your new hero: http://bet.us/1PHYEE855 retweets103 likes
- નરેશ ભીખાભાઈ પરેચા and 26 others followParis attacks would have been different if the victims had guns, says Donald Trump http://bit.ly/1QoSY3F