- CONSERVATIVE RetweetedSeriously? Defense Sec: We Must Watch Our Borders for Flow of ISIS Fighters #SecureTheBorder http://bit.ly/1S2BFTM
- Human Rights Forum and 45 others followIsn't it ironic that ISIS fancies themselves tough guys, but they believe the most infantile fairy tales are literally true.22 retweets59 likes
- Bruce Jenner's "woman" of the year award, participation trophies, and ISIS are events that ruined the year.2 retweets2 likes
- #Trump doesn't have to be Monday morning quarterback on Isis
borders. He stated his FIRM Position
Plans LONG BEFORE #ParisAttacks
12 retweets20 likes - Madeleine Albright: ISIS wants us to think refugees are the enemy http://ti.me/1Ml355B
- jeomik 글로벌 시대 and 116 others followWhat's life really like under ISIS? A journalist recounts his trip: http://cnn.it/1QKX853 For more, watch Blindsided tonight 9pm ET on CNN