- Anti-Establishment and 108 others followObama hid illegal violent stats in Sanctuary Cities, why would Americans trust his admin to monitor/ track Syrian refugees? #TrumpWasRight6 retweets10 likes
- Rosemary Salveggi and 3 others RetweetedBreaking News! Finally 4 kids spotted as #SyrianRefugees! U have a better chance of finding Waldo #TRUMP Was Right!
- World Zig Zag RetweetedAgain @realDonaldTrump was right. Military is now attacking the oil, stopping ISIS's flow of money. #Trump2016 #TrumpWasRight15 retweets12 likes
- VOTE FOR TRUMP 2016 and 1 other likedVOTE FOR TRUMP 2016 Retweeted Mark F.#TRUMP WAS RIGHT! FAKE Syrian Passports EVERYWHERE in Europe - there is NO VETTING process! http://www.wsj.com/articles/thriving-black-market-for-fake-syrian-passports-raises-concerns-1447614598 …VOTE FOR TRUMP 2016 added,
- TheGreatWallofTrump and 6 others Retweeted.@realDonaldTrump was right! Safe Zones at their own home. Table Talk: Episode 4 Special Edition. #SyrianRefugees http://youtu.be/0eCIEU3BBps?a
- I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/0eCIEU3BBps?a Table Talk: Episode 4 Special Edition, Donald Trump was Right!
- Laura Newbie likedMN Took most of Somalia for what? They were given
citizenship & they chose ISIS! WAKE UP! #TRUMP WAS RIGHT!
- TRUMPTAFARIAN and 6 others RetweetedISIS Terrorist Attack Proves #Trump was Right About Border & Immigration #Trump2016 http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/islamic-state-terrorist-attack-proves-donald-trump-was-right-about-border-and-immigration/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=ShareButtons … #tcot133 retweets151 likes