- 4 retweets7 likes
- Brendan McInnis and 9 others follow#SoExcitedI found out Sarah Palin says she wants to run for Political Office again.Play2 retweets4 likes
- Sarah Palin Defends Donald Trump's ego is So inflated,he mightAs well be the next pres.0 retweets0 likes
- Alice Martin and 6 others followSarah Palin says she's ‘willing’ to run for office again. She'd fit right in with the #GOP nutsies running now.13 retweets15 likes
- Vote-for-MrTrump and 15 others followSarah Palin's view http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sarah-palins-view … via cbsnews the Gov came out looking beautiful and Tracy Smith came out looking Ugly Shame on her2 retweets4 likes
- Adam Green Press and 33 others followThe Sarah Palin Of 2016......Ben Carson Can't Name Any Of Our Allies For His International Coalition https://shar.es/15RArM via @sharethis
- Jennifer Bruegl and 54 others followSarah Palin: Bristol keeps getting pregnant cause God is giving her ‘3rd, 4th & 5th chances’ http://ow.ly/UFM2X57 retweets30 likes
- #News Sarah Palin 'willing' to run for office again: The former GOP vice presidential nominee also praised Don... http://bit.ly/1F2XEZh0 retweets0 likes
- Stephen Murray and 9 others followSarah Palin: Maybe I'll Run For Office Again - http://www.joemygod.com/2015/11/15/sarah-palin-maybe-ill-run-for-office-again/ …7 retweets6 likes
- Palin supports Trump, who only fights on his Twitter feed, not when standing man to man with Carson on stage.