- The Countess, and now The Donald?!?! It's a tough crowd out there for Ronda right now: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2589770-ronda-rousey-hate-continues-donald-trump-lady-gaga-take-shots-at-fallen-champ …2 retweets4 likes
- ConsTreehouse: Bandwagon Alert – Candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz Rush To Catch-up With Frontrunner Trump O... http://ln.is/theconservativetreehouse.com/Y7p3F …
- Ronda Rousey hate continues: Donald Trump, Lady Gaga take shots at fallen champ http://ble.ac/1OaMP7I171 retweets374 likes
- Kat for #Trump2016 RetweetedThousands pack Ford Arena to see Donald Trump http://on.khou.com/1j1s5UJ via @KHOU
- malcus destro and 1 other RetweetedPaul Ryan Favors Legal Status for Immigrants Trump Wants to Send Home... http://bloom.bg/20VI7ln
- GOP candidates link Paris attacks to immigration http://politi.co/1X0Unw4 | Getty13 retweets18 likes
- SUE CHAINEZ Retweeted Bob McCroryTHEY R NASTY DISRESPECTFUL TO TRUMP they know exactly what they r doing that is why people r fed up with them!SUE CHAINEZ added,40Bob McCrory @mccrory_bob@shook_stephanie @azblonde2015 @mitchellvii Yes and the worse thing is, they actually think they are doing good things! So blind and stupid!3 retweets4 likes
- VOTE FOR TRUMP 2016 likedSUE CHAINEZ Retweeted stephTRUMP IS JUST STATING HIS OPINIONS AND THEY CAN'T HANDLE THAT IMAGINE WHEN HE WINS AND ENFORCES THINGS !!!!!!!!!SUE CHAINEZ added,56steph @shook_stephanie@mccrory_bob @azblonde2015 @mitchellvii So true. They're going through Koolaid withdrawals. I have NO empathy11 retweets6 likes