- John Kasich was managing director of Lehman Brothers when it crashed, bringing down the world and ruining people's lives. A total failure!515 retweets1,096 likes
- Once John Kasich announced he was running for president, and opened his mouth, people realized he was a complete & total dud!628 retweets1,591 likes
- John Kasich fell right into President Obama’s trap on ObamaCare, and the people of Ohio are suffering for it. Shame!807 retweets1,932 likes
- Doesn’t help Kasich to do negative ads on me because he still has to go through everyone else - he’s almost last.614 retweets1,661 likes
- John Kasich ad guy wanted to work for me, but his proposal was a rip off – I said NO! Now ripping Kasich.589 retweets1,548 likes
- I loved beating John Kasich in the debates, but it was easy—he came in dead last!691 retweets1,751 likes
- Kasich has already spent $6 million on ads in New Hampshire and his numbers have gone down. People from NH are smart!688 retweets1,792 likes
- Watch Kasich squirm --- if he is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun!1,031 retweets2,168 likes
- I want to do negative ads on John Kasich, but he is so irrelevant to the race that I don’t want to waste my money.1,481 retweets2,860 likes
- John Kasich, despite being Governor of Ohio, is losing to me in the Ohio polls. Pathetic!838 retweets1,983 likes
- John Kasich should focus his special interest money on building up his failed image, not negative ads on me.654 retweets1,448 likes
- Governor Kasich, whose failed campaign & debating skills have brought him way down in the polls, is going to spend $2.5 million against me.602 retweets1,299 likes
- The legendary Barbara Walters interviews Melania Trump and me on a special this Friday night at 10:00 on ABC. Don't miss it!971 retweets2,537 likes
- Thank you Worcester, Massachusetts!#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10156328032540725 …863 retweets2,124 likes
- Just the beginning & it is going to get worse. Rates & deductibles are so high nobody is going to be able to use it. http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottgottlieb/2015/11/19/uniteds-warning-shows-how-medicaid-is-taking-over-obamacare/ …
- Has anybody read this story about Marco Rubio - devastating! http://nyti.ms/1Jys7M0
- I told you! Premiums are soaring! #RepealObamacare #Trump2016 http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/260758-unitedhealthcare-may-exit-obamacare-exchanges …
- Thank you (Chris) @TheFix. I have great respect for professionals that are willing to report so honestly & fairly. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/11/19/yes-donald-trump-could-absolutely-be-the-republican-nominee-in-2016/ …
- Donald J. Trump Retweeted The HillDonald J. Trump added,88The Hill @thehillTrump defies Beltway wisdom once again with rise in post-Paris polls: http://hill.cm/eqGRiyU868 retweets2,050 likes
- Thank you for your support! Together we can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #Trump20161,521 retweets3,407 likes
- The POLICE in Paris did a fantastic job. Very brave - not easy!2,071 retweets7,598 likes