Sunday, November 15, 2015

#RonaldReagan "Mr Trump, Build that Wall" in Beaumont TX huge cheers erupt

  1.  Liked 133 times
    Within five minutes of taking the stage in Beaumont, Donald Trump calls for a wall on the Mexican border. Huge, huge cheers erupt.
  2. "We need to build a wall!" Trump bellowed, his face glistening with sweat. "You need to get over here," whispered Hillary, twirling her hair
  3. Robby Ball

    Shared publicly  -  8:58 PM
    #GOPDebate PEOPLE THAT VOTE FOR PRESIDENT - who is leading this election. The bias of the mainstream media went on full display at last week's debate #TheFive #ChrisChristie will likely not make the main stage at the next#Debate #CNNMoney Hillary & Obama Have Egg On Their Faces After Making Fun ...
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    Robby Ball

    Shared publicly  -  8:50 PM
    #Poll  Sanders says "It is not a radical idea" to say someone working 40 hrs/wk shouldn't live in poverty. Former Clinton back #NinaTurner switches to team Sanders. Clinton and Sanders declined to talk about a war on radical Islam. Clinton refuses to say Radical Islam. Sanders says global warming #1 threat.#FeelTheBern #election2016

    Twitter Poll : 

    Bernie #Sanders and Hillary #Clinton go head-to-head on gun control. Clinton crushed it tonight. Won debate 67% to 20% for Sanders. Top Tweeted moment of the#DemDebate : Hillary Clinton defends her integrity, discusses Wall Street and 9/11. Bernie Sanders is not really impressed with Hillary Clinton’s plan for Wall Street   Largest candidate follower increases during#DemDebate was #BernieSanders then#HillaryClinton #MartinOMalley  Tuition-free college will give hope to millions of young people. It would be an extraordinary investment in our future.#DebateWithBernie  Rand #Paul  No matter who you support: I want a #Gov that is really, really small - so small I can hardly see it.  Rand is HALF right: To some extent, the most economically unequal states are Democratic. .In #GOPdebate , Trump and Carson say hiking pay isn’t the answer - Trump, Carson Rising B/c Americans ‘Have Had It’ w/ Political and Media Establishments     #trump   #clinton2016   #Clinton  #trump2016   #sanders2016   #feelthebern   #bush  #carson   #Carson2016   #Vote #GOP #Election2016#Trump   #HillaryClinton #ElectionDay#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #DemDebate #Republican#Benghazi #Polls #Foxnews #Carson #Election#FeelTheBern #BenCarson #JebBush #BernieSanders#JebCanFixIt #Trumptrain  
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