- US just carried out an air strike in Libya0 retweets0 likes
- Reuters: US Airstrikes In Libya On #ISIS Leader0 retweets0 likes
- غصة الخوارج Retweeted noman benotmanتصفيات لقيادة تنظيم داعش في ليبيا من أمهم أمريكاغصة الخوارج added,0 retweets2 likes
- Lord have Mercy US air strike in Libya... — thinking about a lot of things0 retweets0 likes
- U.S. airstrikes in Libya target ISIS leader #FoxNews #PrayForTheWorld0 retweets0 likes
- #NBCNews ISIS leader in Libya presumed killed by U.S. airstrike http://nbcnews.to/1MIL4iY
- 1 retweet1 like
- #News: Saturday US #AIRSTRIKE in #Libya Presumed just Killed #ISIS Leader (NOW bombing ISIS in Libya) http://ln.is/blogspot.com/jixIb …0 retweets1 like
- Exclusive: U.S. Targets ISIS in Libya Airstrike http://thebea.st/1SPJ5KI عبر @thedailybeast