- MarkMyWords likedTRUST IN TRUMP Retweeted Nikki FullerCRUZ just makes sh8t up he lies even Rubio called him out He LIESTRUST IN TRUMP added,58Nikki Fuller @BigMuscleBabe@aeonicsonic @realDonaldTrump @tedcruz Ted Cruz is completely asking for a major can of whoop ass to be opened up and served to him!5 retweets10 likes
- Small Biz for Trump Retweeted ** TRUMP **When candidates are losing they go negative. Sure sign Cruz not guaranteed a 2nd. Rubio & Kasich closing in on 2nd.Small Biz for Trump added,5 retweets9 likes
- What do Cubans think of Messrs Cruz and Rubio—two Cuban-American presidential candidates? http://econ.st/20Zx1Lg48 retweets55 likes
- Tracey4America likedIllinois 4 Trump! Retweeted ApsinthosThis was horrible Cruz. Karma is coming. #VoteTrumpSCIllinois 4 Trump! added,0:3067Apsinthos @YugeMiloDISGUSTING: @TedCruz using KIDS for a FALSE attack Ad on @realDonaldTrump #GOPDebate #SCPrimary via @Mr_Pinko10 retweets8 likes
- Monica Bayers and 199 others followIf you work for Glenn Beck don't drink the Kool Aid after Ted Cruz loses South Carolina17 retweets32 likes
- Alexis In NH likedDJ Lewis Retweeted Brittany CannonAt one time I considered you for VP or attorney General but I have crossed your name off every list. NO CruzDJ Lewis added,36Brittany Cannon @brittcannon88Really? Kids? Havin THEM state false facts? Thats rite.. Ur def. on a politicians level!! @tedcruz @realDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/YugeMilo/status/698398503282806784 …12 retweets16 likes
- Kate liked.@momike1 @BringTheFlag Cruz didn't lie? His Eminent Domain ad claims in bold letters that Trump, "bulldozed a widow's home," COMPLETE LIE.
- Ladyofthelake and 199 others followLiterally every sentence in this Ted Cruz quote is misleading or false http://huff.to/20wRZ1U124 retweets100 likes
- Ted Cruz says he will filibuster Obama’s Supreme Court nomination http://ti.me/1TjoSQD
- Robert Alvarez and 1 other RetweetedPeople suing Cruz have a solid case. Public Law 97-241- Only 3 ways to prove citizenship/ US BC/ Naturalization Certificate/ FS-24013 retweets14 likes
- Marilyn Long RetweetedHere's link to actual CBS poll with Trump leading Cruz 42-20: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-south-carolina-still-solidly-for-donald-trump-hillary-clinton/ …91 retweets101 likes
- Mikerollin and 1 other RetweetedNEW ARG South Carolina Poll TRUMP 35% Kasich 15% Rubio 14% Cruz 12% Jebra 10% #Trump2016 http://bit.ly/1U0YFFN40 retweets55 likes