- What do Cubans think of Messrs Cruz and Rubio—two Cuban-American presidential candidates? http://econ.st/20Zx1Lg15 retweets21 likes
- Monica Bayers and 199 others followIt is weird that all the gay pundits on Twitter and in Washington DC are 100% behind Marco Rubio what's up with that?9 retweets11 likes
- Florida Tea Party Activists: Marco Rubio Never Trustworthy on Immigration, American Sovereignty - Breitbart http://bit.ly/20lYAfI More
- Beth Neale and 1 other RetweetedIt was just so odd that no matter what Rubio said, the audience cheered like he had just scored the winning touchdown. So OTT.43 retweets82 likes
- Sharon Andreas RetweetedRubio is robotic so why should be we surprised his applause was robotic as well? @realDonaldTrump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2g8DmIVL1I&feature=youtu.be …
- Mikerollin RetweetedNEW ARG South Carolina Poll TRUMP 35% Kasich 15% Rubio 14% Cruz 12% Jebra 10% #Trump2016 http://bit.ly/1U0YFFN32 retweets44 likes
- The Online Dem Store and 79 others followIs there a bigger lost causer than Marco Rubio? Defending W. and vowing to re-ban same-sex marriage. He's the guy who defends Crash's Oscar.43 retweets127 likes
- Saska Mare Reagan RetweetedBREAKING .. New CBS SC Poll has @realDonaldTrump with a yuge commanding lead! Trump 42% Cruz: 20% Rubio 15% Kasich: 9%146 retweets141 likes