Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Standing room only now for #Kasich town hall mtg #Trump 43%. #Rubio– 12% #Cruz– 10% #Kasich– 9%

  1. "While other candidates have been busy pointing out the lemons, has been busy making lemonade" via NRO
  2. Presidential candidate John Kasich tells GVSU students to stay off drugs, work toward jobs |
  3. Massachusetts 43%. – 12% – 10% – 9% – 8% – 6% CAST YOUR VOTE (below)
  4. Showing limits of popularity, Carson most popular in SC at 68/23. Rubio 58/32, Kasich 52/29, Trump 50/43:
  5.  In reply to 
    Funny thing is Kasich has managed to convince folks he is the reasonable GOP alternative. His record says otherwise.