- Billy Stone and 127 others followjohn handkock Retweeted L. H. JonesI know a family that was supporting Cruz, just ordered 3 Trump Hats because Cruz sided with Hillary & Bernie thugs!john handkock added,57L. H. Jones @peacemaker4uBye Bye Ted And Marco! Voters Slam Ted Cruz And Marco Rubio! http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/12/gop-voters-slam-ted-cruz-marco-rubio-for-blaming-chicago-rally-shutdown-on-donald-trump/ …3 retweets4 likes
- Sharon Andreas and 1 other RetweetedShame on Cruz, Rubio & Kasich for blaming Trump for what was a planned, coordinated attack on the democratic process by radicals on the Left82 retweets92 likes
- (R) Conservatives RetweetedResults of straw poll at @FreedomWorks summit in OH: 1.) Cruz - 88% 2.) Kasich, Rubio and Trump - 3% 3.) Other - 2% http://www.freedomworks.org/content/ted-cruz-wins-straw-poll-freedomworks%E2%80%99-freepac-morning-america-summit …88 retweets97 likes
- Cruz's campaign plan: 1. Hover Trump 2. Agree with Trump's policies 3. Adopt Trump's policies 4. Lie about Trump's policies 5. Blame Trump21 retweets19 likes
- Mikerollin and 1 other Retweeted“My Florida vote just went from Cruz to Trump. Screw you, Ted Cruz.” -Former Navy SEAL and author Matt Bracken173 retweets236 likes
- Cruz reaffirms pledge to support GOP nominee, even if Trump http://politi.co/1nFwXRO
- Ted Cruz WAY AHEAD in Wyoming early primary results! Trump in THIRD! http://m.therightscoop.com/ted-cruz-way-ahead-in-wyoming-early-primary-results-trump-in-third/ … #RedNationRising
- Nonna Retweeted
- MariClaire4Trump and 3 others RetweetedLet's make Cruz King of Corn. Trump can run the country.75 retweets155 likes