- Jeb Bush conducts private meeting with Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich. Subject of the meeting: Conspire to take down Trump! http://powderedwigsociety.com/bush-rubio-cruz-kasich-conspire-to-take-down-trump/ …More
- In reply to Gov. Mike Huckabee@GovMikeHuckabee @Tea4Freedom and Cruz/Rubio/Kasich blaming Trump for ill behavior of others.siding with thugs 4 votes. Pathetic
- @ffweekend The First Amendment is attack..Cruz & Rubio attack the victims: Trump & his supporters..Not very 'presidential'..IMO0 retweets0 likes
- Before anyone says these are "all" left wing protestors... I personally know #GOP Cruz / Rubio supporters that also went #TrumpRallyChi0 retweets0 likes
- Make no mistake: #Cruz, #Rubio & #Kasich have now JONED #CorruptMedia in ENCOURAGING disruption of #Trump events. I can't stand that.0 retweets0 likes
- @foxandfriends Trump wasnt my choice but Cruz/Rubio/Kaisik R fast losing my support w/their comments abt the T rally. Circle up & support0 retweets0 likes
- In reply to Greta Van Susteren@greta @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews this was created by sanders, Clinton ,Cruz ,Rubio ,is ok God don't like ugly ,karma
- In reply to Wilhelm II@knightofgood Both Cruz & Rubio sided with #PaidProtesters who attacked #LawEnforcement #FLPrimary @realDonaldTrump stands with #Police
- Opportunists cruz, rubio, kasich, clinton, sanders, media; Did they just shoot themselves in the foot? @okwajo …0 retweets0 likes
- In reply to Dorothy@woodseysmith @ForRealDana @WDFx2EU Bush, Cruz, Rubio & Kasich would b my guess. They all met together on Thursday 2 plan 2 take down Trump.
- P Martucci☆USA4TRUMP Retweeted Ron BLet's ship the whole bunch to ISIS including Cruz & RubioP Martucci☆USA4TRUMP added,44Ron B @ClubSpeaks@realDonaldTrump Chicago hoods organized by http://moveon.org funded by Soros also gave funds to Cruz & Rubio super packs2 retweets3 likes
- I wonder if a few thousand #Anarchists STORMED an #Obama #SOTU Address, would #MSM, #Cruz, #Rubio & #DEMS say
0 retweets0 likes - THE @realDonaldTrump CAMPAIGN HAS JOBS FOR Cruz & Rubio.WATERBOYS OR CHEERLEADERS. The pay isnt very good but you will be begging 4 a JOB.