- Rubio: A Vote for Cruz or Kasich in Florida Is a Vote for Trump http://natl.re/me4q2p118 retweets147 likes
- Brothers in Arms and 197 others followPoll: Trump captures early votes in Ariz., Rubio plummets http://washex.am/1Ra6DqL
- 2nd Florida poll in 1 day shows Trump leading Rubio by single digits: http://hill.cm/96yg5Bl63 retweets53 likes
- James Corley likedMichael Johns Retweeted Bob FrantzMichael Johns added,60Bob Frantz @FrantzRadio@michaeljohns @bsg1949 Just. Wow.19 retweets25 likes
- Florida: Among those who had voted early: Trump 39% Rubio 27 Cruz 16 Kasich 14 @Suffolk_U Poll 3/7-3/925 retweets30 likes
- Only reason #Rubio says he has "regret" for his antics is it led to him getting DESTROYED in every state... If not, his ACT would continue!42 retweets56 likes
- Tench Coxe and 1 other RetweetedBig: @SenMikeLee endorsing @sentedcruz after campaigning for both Cruz & Rubio ==> http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/ted-cruz-get-first-senate-endorsement-utah-s-mike-lee-n535951 …
- Dixie for Trump and 174 others followFRAUD MARCO RUBIO co-authored the largest amnesty bill in history. WILL FL BE FOOLED AGAIN? THINK. VOTE. TRUMP.
- Feisty ☀️Floridian Retweeted ThinkingOfMoneyMarco Rubio is loyal 2party. Trump is loyal 2Trump. Cruz is loyal 2constitution & citizens. Truth
Feisty ☀️Floridian added,44ThinkingOfMoney @ThinkingOfMoney@Debramax @peddoc63 @marcorubio has proven not to care about the American ppl but only 4his party I have lost all respect 4him #Trump201624 retweets22 likes - Samuel and 199 others followRubio vs. Cruz Most conservative: Tie Most likely to get conservative policy through congress: Rubio Most likely to beat Hillary: Rubio114 retweets118 likes
- NEW POLL: Rubio gains on Trump in Florida http://hill.cm/diPJMfE
- Florida GOP Primary, Among Hispanic Republicans: Rubio 49% Cruz/Trump 20 @WashingtonPost/@Univision poll54 retweets47 likes
- FLORIDA: Together we can stop Donald Trump in our state. Vote early and then get your friends & family to vote too. http://rub.io/KdhDne